
Aenean ornare velit lacus, ac varius enim ullamcorper eu. Proin aliquam facilisis ante interdum congue. Integer mollis, nisl amet convallis, porttitor magna ullamcorper, amet egestas mauris. Ut magna finibus nisi nec lacinia. Nam maximus erat id euismod egestas. By the way, check out my awesome work.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis dapibus rutrum facilisis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam tristique libero eu nibh porttitor fermentum. Nullam venenatis erat id vehicula viverra. Nunc ultrices eros ut ultricies condimentum. Mauris risus lacus, blandit sit amet venenatis non, bibendum vitae dolor. Nunc lorem mauris, fringilla in aliquam at, euismod in lectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In non lorem sit amet elit placerat maximus. Pellentesque aliquam maximus risus, vel sed vehicula.


Chore Chart

A chore chart web app for managing chores on a week by week basis. I was tired of over complex chore charts that were missing some features I wanted and saw it as a great opportunity to learn Vue.js and REST API's. Try it out and then view the browsable api to see it update to all your changes.

Try It Browse the API


A Rust crate parsing and evaluating dice strings for use in tabletop gaming. roll dice using the format [Number of dice]d[dice sides] and add any modifiers. Also has a Python wrapper pydestiny available on PyPI.

Roll some dice using destiny::parse_dice_string:

							use destiny::parse_dice_string;

println!("{}", parse_dice_string("1d4"));
println!("{}", parse_dice_string("2d6"));
println!("{}", parse_dice_string("1d8 + 3"));
println!("{}", parse_dice_string("1d6 + 2d8"));

Destiny also has the ability to calculate dice roll distributions. Given any roll it will calculate the chances of every possible roll and calculate probabilities. This is done fast due to Rust's natural speed and powerful parallel processing.

Calculate distributions using destiny::DiceDistribution:

use destiny::DiceDistribution;

let dd = DiceDistribution::new("2d6");

/* this will output:
| Roll | #Rolls | Roll%  | Roll>=% | Roll<% |
| 2    | 1      | 2.78%  | 100.00% | 0.00%  |
| 3    | 2      | 5.56%  | 97.22%  | 2.78%  |
| 4    | 3      | 8.33%  | 91.67%  | 8.33%  |
| 5    | 4      | 11.11% | 83.33%  | 16.67% |
| 6    | 5      | 13.89% | 72.22%  | 27.78% |
| 7    | 6      | 16.67% | 58.33%  | 41.67% |
| 8    | 5      | 13.89% | 41.67%  | 58.33% |
| 9    | 4      | 11.11% | 27.78%  | 72.22% |
| 10   | 3      | 8.33%  | 16.67%  | 83.33% |
| 11   | 2      | 5.56%  | 8.33%   | 91.67% |
| 12   | 1      | 2.78%  | 2.78%   | 97.22% |

Try rolling some dice! example: "1d20 + 3"

roll 1d20 + 3


I am a Software/Web Developer interested in everything tech. I am constantly looking for opportunities to expand my skill set. I am never more motivated then when I get to learn something new, weather that be a new framework, tool, or language. This field is full of knowledge and innovation and i plan to be apart of as much of it as possible.

Technical skills:

  • [[ skill.lang ]]


  • [[ lang.lang ]]
